Polycom-Microsoft User’s Guide
The Join the Conference dialog box opens, with the indication
Connecting to the conference. Once the connection to the conference is
established, you are requested to select where the conferencing
service will call you back to connect you to the conference.
2 Select the callback number / address to be used by the MGC.
Select one of the following options:
— A predefined E.164 number
— Computer to specify the Office Communicator client
— Other Address to specify any SIP URI.
a If you select Other Address, the New Address dialog box opens.
b Enter the SIP URI in the format: sip:user name@domain.
To specify a non-SIP callback address the Office Communicator
user enters the "user=xxx" attribute.
For example, an H.323 callback address is specified with "123" as
the target address: 123@lcs2005.co.il;user=h323.
This would result in the MGC initiating an H.323 dial out to
alias=123 via its configured gatekeeper.