Chapter 5 - Basic Operations
2. Expand the On Going Conference or Reservation to list its participants.
The participants are listed below the conference or Reservation.
Different icons are used to indicate the participant roles and their
connection status. For details, see the MGC Manager User’s Guide,
Volume I, Chapter 5.
To list the participants in the
Status pane:
1. Expand the On Going Conferences or Reservations tree.
2. Double-click the icon of the On Going Conference or Reservation whose
participants you want to list.
The participants are listed in the Status pane.
To list the participants in the
Status pane:
1. Expand the On Going Conferences or Reservations tree to display the list
of On Going Conferences or Reservations.
2. Double-click the icon of the On Going Conference or Reservation whose
participants you want to list.
The participants are listed in the Status pane.