Polycom RMX 2000 Hardware Guide
ERR Red ON - Major error on card.
Flashes - During card startup.
RDY Green ON - The card has completed
startup successfully.
Flashes - During card startup.
ACT Amber ON - At least one participant is
connected to a conference.
Flashes - During card startup.
HS Blue Flashes - Shut down process
initiated by lightly pulling the CPU
ejector levers. This LED flashes in
synchronization with the CNTL’s
card’s HS LED.
ON - Card is in a power down
Card removal Initiated - The card
can be removed safely once the
CPU ejector levers are fully open.
Card Insertion Initiated - If during
the startup phase the blue HS LED
remains lit, please ensure that the
card is properly seated in the
chassis. If this problem persists,
contact your next level of support.
Table 1-6 RMX 2000 Front Panel LED’s (Continued)
Component LED ID LED Color Description