MGC Hardware and Installation Manual
To install the MPI-8 Network Interface Module:
1. Slide the MPI-8 Network Interface module into a free slot in the MCU
front panel.
2. Push the MPI-8 Network Interface module firmly into the Backplane,
making sure it is properly seated in its slot.
3. Tighten the screws on the front panel of the MGC-50 that secure the
MPI-8 Network Interface module.
To mount the MPI Box on the Rack for the MGC-50:
1. Turn OFF power to the MCU and unplug it from AC power.
2. If the MCU is rack mounted, disconnect all external cables, dismount the
MCU from the rack and place it on a desktop or work table
3. Place the MPI box with is four 160-pin connectors facing the MGC-50
front panel between the two rails of the rack. Secure it to the rack with
the screws supplied with the MPI Box.
4. Connect all the external cables to the MPI box:
Using the cable provided with the MPI kit, connect the 160-pin
connector to Port A of the MPI-8 Network Interface front panel. Connect
the other end of the cable to a (Ports 1-4) 160-pin connector of the MPI
Box. Again, by doing this procedure we have utilized the MPI Box as a