Caller ID Call Log Line Association (#318)—Release 2.0
or Later
Valid Entries
1 = Assigned (line is associated with an extension or the extension is
associated with a line)
2 = Not assigned (line is not associated with an extension)
(See Figure 2-3 on page 2-22 for the location of special programming buttons such
s and e on system phones.)
To associate a line with an extension for the purpose of logging caller ID
1. Press
f 0 0 s s # 3 1 8 at extension
10 or 11.
2. At the extension prompt, enter the number of the extension to be
programmed. For example, to program extension 23, press
2 3.
3. At the Line prompt, enter the line number to be associated with the
extension. For example, to associate line 2 with the extension, press
0 2.
4. To change the line association for this extension, press
D until the
appropriate value displays. (See “Valid Entries.”)
5. At this point:
■ To associate another line with this extension, press n or
p until the line number shows on the display. Then repeat
Step 4.
■ To associate another extension, press N or P
and begin at Step 2.
6. Select another procedure or exit programming mode.