Muting Automatically Answered Calls
If your system is configured to answer calls automatically, you can choose
whether to mute the audio when calls connect. This prevents callers from
overhearing conversations or meetings. After the call connects, you can press
Mute when you’re ready to unmute the call.
Note that, if you enable this option during a call, the audio for the current call
is not affected.
To mute automatically answered calls:
1. Select System from the Place a Call screen.
2. Select User Settings from the System screen.
3. Scroll to Mute Auto-Answer Calls and press
to enable the
4. Press
Home to save your change and return to the Place a Call
Scheduling Meetings
You can use the calendar and call scheduling feature of the V500 to schedule
video conferences. When you schedule a meeting using this feature, the
system automatically calls the site you selected on the date and time you
specified. For recurring meetings, you can indicate whether you want the
system to automatically make the call daily, weekly, or monthly.
To schedule a meeting:
1. Select System from the Place a Call screen.
2. Select Utilities from the System screen.
3. Select Call Scheduler from the Utilities screen.
4. Select New Entry from the Call Scheduler screen.
5. Select the site to call from the Directory.
6. Select the date and time for the call.
7. Select
Next and specify whether the meeting recurs.
On the scheduled time and date, your V500 system will automatically call the
selected site.