NetEngine IAD User Guide
IAD Reports 237
BRI Statistics Report
Clearing Media Statistics
To clear network statistics, type Z on the Network Statistics menu. The
IAD displays the Clear Network Statistics menu:
Figure 12–7. Clear Network Statistics Menu (sample)
The statistics options shown depend on the ports and configuration of the
IAD. To permanently reset statistics for a specific protocol, type the option.
The IAD immediately resets all statistics for the specified protocol, and
displays the menu.
Table 12–25.BRI Statistics Report
Parameter Description
D Channel Active/Inactive The status of this D Channel.
Active: The connection is up.
Inactive: The connection is down.
Frames Rcvd No. of BRI frames received.
Frames Sent No. of BRI frames sent.
Rx Overflow (RFO) No. of Overrun errors. A consequence of data
arriving faster than it can be consumed.
Rx Invalid Frames No. of invalid frames received.
Rx Overflow (RDO) Received Overrun. Discarded received packets due
to the internal Received Packet Ring Pool are full
so that could not process any incoming packets.
Rx CRC Errors No. of CRC errors received.
Rx Aborted No. of Aborted of packets received.
Tx Underrun Transmitted Underrun. Discarded transmitted
packets due to there are no packets waiting in the
Transmitted Packet Ring Buffer.
Tx Collision No. of transmitted collision.
B Channel Current status for the B channel connection.
Buffers Rcvd No. of packets received.
Buffers Sent No. of packets sent.
Discarded No. of discarded transmitted packets. Jitter Buffer
Overruns. There is on available packet buffer from
the Transmitted Packet Buffer Pool.
Underrun No. of Underrun occurs. There is no waiting
packets in the Transmitted packet Pool buffer.
1. Clear G2237 ADSL Statistics
2. Clear ATM Statistics
F. Clear Frame Relay DLCI Statistics
S. Clear Serial Statistics