Chapter 1- Hardware Description
RMX 2000 Rear Panel LEDs
The following items appear on the RTM IP board:
MPM ERR Red ON - Major error on board.
RDY Green ON - The board has completed
startup successfully.
ACT Amber ON - At least one participant is
connected to a conference.
HS Blue Flashes - Shut down process
initiated by lightly pulling the CPU
ejector levers. This Led flashes in
synchronization with the CNTL’s
board’s HS Led.
ON - The card can be removed
safely once the CPU ejector levers
are fully open.
Table 1-4 RMX 2000 Front Panel LED’s (Continued)
Component LED ID LED Color Description
Table 1-5 RMX 2000 RTM IP LEDs
LED Color Description
LAN LEDs (1-3) LNK Green Lit with active network
connection, flickers with Packet
1 Gb Amber Lit when 1Gb connection online,
flickers with Packet activity