Chapter 1- Hardware Description
RMX 2000 LEDs
The RMX includes LEDs located on the front panel and rear panel. In the
front panel, the LEDs reflect the state of the module. The LEDs on the rear
panel indicate the state of the external connections and the status of the
RTM IP board
RMX 2000 Front Panel LEDs
The following items appear on the RMX 2000 front panel:
Table 1-4 RMX 2000 Front Panel LED’s
Function Name LED ID LED Color Description
Fan Status Green OK.
Red Warning - Fan failure.
Power Status Green OK.
Red Error - Problem with power supply.
CNTL ERR Red ON - Major system error.
RDY Green ON - CPU board has successfully
completed startup.
ACT Amber ON - At least one endpoint is
connected to the system.
HD Red OFF - Normal
Flashes - Hard disk is active
HS Blue Flashes - Shut down process
initiated when pulling the CPU
ejector mechanism.
ON - CPU may be removed.