Polycom RSS 2000 User’s Guide
Fast Forward/Skip Forward/Skip Backward/Stop of Archives
During playing, you can use Forward/Backward/Stop on your endpoint remote control to control the program. A
number of shortcut operations was defined through DTMF on RSS 2000 to control the program played, as shown
in Table 3-1.
Table 3-1 DTMF Codes Description
DTMF Codes Description
Skip Backward (one minute by default)
(This interval is the same as the Iframe request
Skip Forward (one minute by default)
(This interval is the same as the Iframe request
Fast Forward to 0%-90% (in time percentage) of
the recorded files
On your endpoint, you can enter DTMF code '*1' to pause the program being played, '*2' to resume the paused
program, and '*3' to stop playing and return to the main menu. You can type in '*4' and '*6' to skip the program
being played backward and forward respectively. Skip backward/forward processes stop at locations of the
corresponding previous/next Iframe. You can set the Iframe request interval for RSS to 1-10 minutes through
Web UI, and the default interval is 1 minute. You can make the file fast forward to a point between 0%-90% on
its timeline by typing in 0-9. After this, play will continue from the nearest Iframe.