Index – 1
ACD. See also automatic call distribution
acoustic echo cancellation 4–44
acoustic echo cancellation <aec> A–40
acoustic echo suppression <aes> A–41
AEC. See also acoustic echo cancellation
AGC. See also automatic gain control
alert information A–14
animations <anim> A–66
application configuration
acoustic echo cancellation A–40
acoustic echo suppression A–41
animations A–66
automatic gain control A–43
background noise suppression A–42
bitmaps A–65
bulk drive A–82
call handling configuration A–55
call progress patterns A–30
chord-sets A–26
codec preferences A–35
codec profiles A–36
conference setup A–15
date and time A–23
dial plan A–16
dial plan, emergency A–19
directory A–58
dual tone multi-frequency A–25
encryption A–74
Ethernet call control A–48
event logging A–69
feature A–77
finder A–78
fonts A–60
graphic icons A–68
hold, local reminder A–58
idle display A–81
indicator classes A–67
indicator patterns A–67
indicators, assignments A–67
IP TOS call control A–50
keys A–63
local protocol A–6
localization A–19
main browser A–81
Microbrowser A–79
multilingual A–20
network monitoring A–51
outbound proxy A–13
password lengths A–74
platform A–65
port A–54
presence A–60
protocol A–6
protocol server A–7
protocol special events A–15
provisioning A–75
Quality of Service A–47
RAM disk A–76
receive equalization A–43
request A–76
request delay A–77
request validation A–14
resource A–78
ring type A–33
routing server A–19
RTP A–48,
A–49, A–54
sampled audio for sound effects A–27
security A–73
shared calls A–57
SIP A–10
sound effect patterns A–29
sound effects A–28
tones A–24
transmit equalization A–45
USB port A–83
user preferences A–23
voice activity detection A–47
voice coding algorithms
voice coding algorithms <codecs> A–34
voice settings A–34
volume persistence A–37
web server A–54