Application Development
2 - 13
Meta Information Tags
The following meta information tags are supported:
• <head>—Defines information about the document
The head element can contain information about the document. The browser
does not display the “head information” to the user. The following tag can be
in the head section: <title>.
No attributes are supported.
SoundPoint IP/SoundStation IP XML API Application
In SIP 3.1, there is expanded support in the Microbrowser for applications on
the SoundPoint IP 320/330, 430, 501, 550, 560, 650, and 670 desktop phones,
and SoundStation IP 4000, 6000, and 7000 conference phones.
id unique_name Defines a unique name for the
map tag.
class class_rule
The class of the element
title tooltip_text A text to display in a tool tip
style style_definition An inline style definition
dir ltr (left to right)
rtl (left to right)
Sets the text direction
lang language_code (Ex: EN, deu/ger,
Sets the language code
xml:lang language_code (Ex: EN, deu/ger,
Sets the language code
Attribute Value/s Description
Due to space constraints, there isn’t a static title bar at the top of the Microbrowser
window, as there is in most other browsers. The title is displayed in large bold text in
the first line of the page, and is scrolled off the screen as the focus is moved down
the page.