Polycom® SoundStation® Duo Conference Phone User Guide
• Restarting Your Phone on page 118
• Troubleshooting Phone Issues on page 118
Calling and Answering
During a call, the phone displays the name and number of the party you’re
talking with, the duration of the call, and the Line and Call icon to indicate call
status (as shown next). The soft keys update so you can perform specific tasks.
For information on what the Line and Call icon indicates, see .
Handling Multiple Calls at a Time
Your phone can handle multiple calls at any given time. For example, if you
have an active call, you can answer an incoming call, as well as scroll to see
held calls. Since the phone screen can only display one call at a time, you have
to use the Scroll keys to see any additional calls.
By default, your phone can handle a maximum of eights calls at any given
time, but only one of the calls can be active. In total, your phone can handle
one active call and seven held calls, or eight held calls, at one time. A
conference call counts as one call.
Context-sensitive soft keys that display during a call
Name and
of person
talking with
Line and Call icon