Chapter 1 - Introducing the V500 System
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Standard System Components
This section describes the standard components that come with the V500 system.
Two models of the V500 system are available — IP only, and IP with ISDN.
Name Component Description
V500 System The V500 system delivers high-quality,
face-to-face video communication in a
sleek package that includes the camera
and microphone.
Remote Control The remote control is designed to make
it easy to set up and operate the system
— color-coded buttons correspond to
system features.
Composite video
The composite video cable is a triple
RCA cable with S-video that connects
the V500 system to a monitor.
LAN cable The LAN cable connects the system to
the IP network.
BRI cable
(IP with ISDN
model only)
The BRI cable connects the system to
the ISDN.
Power supply The power supply connects power to
the system.
Documentation Read Me First
Setting Up the V500 System
V500 system documentation CD