Version 2.1 16 March 2006 Page 24 of 33
Vega Gateway Scenarios. ©2005-2006 VegaStream Ltd.
Examples are given in best faith – ensure that you check the capabilities of systems before
deploying them, especially the functionality of devices not designed and delivered by VegaStream.
9.b Analog breakout to the PSTN – e.g. for a company or for a PSTN toll bypass
A Vega FXO can be connected directly to PSTN lines.
Calls from VoIP into the PSTN specify the desired destination number by sending DTMF tones
into the PSTN.
Disconnect supervision is only supported by physical signalling – line current reversal or
loop current disconnect; no voice or tone detect can be configured on the Vega to indicate
end of call
• Answer supervision is only supported by physical signalling – line current reversal
• Calls received on the telephony interface arrive with no dialled number information as
analog signalling just uses a ringing voltage to indicate the call arrival.
Different impedances are required for ‘approved’ connection in different countries. Europe
should have the Vega FXO interface configured for CTR21 impedance; the US should have
the interface configured for 600R operation. 900R impedance is also available.
VoIPon Solutions www.voipon.co.uk sales@voipon.co.uk Tel: +44 (0) 1245 600560