Administrator Guide - SoundPoint
IP / SoundStation
IP Optimization
74 Copyright © 2004 Polycom, Inc. Patterns <patterns/>
Patterns use a simple script language that allows different chord sets or wave files to
be strung together with periods of silence. The script language uses the following
In the following table, x is the pattern number, y is the instruction number. Both x and
y need to be sequential. There are three categories of sound effect patterns: callProg
(call progress patterns), ringer and misc (miscellaneous).
Instruction Meaning Example
sampled (n) Play sampled audio
file n
a. Currently, patterns that use the sampled instruction are limited to the following format:
sampled followed by optional silence and optional branch back to the beginning.
se.pat.callProg.x.inst.y.type =”sampled” (sampled audio
file instruction type)
se.pat.callProg.x.inst.y.value =”3” (specifies sampled
audio file 3)
chord (n, d) Play chord set n (d is
optional and allows
the chord set ON
duration to be over-
ridden to d millisec-
se.pat.callProg.x.inst.y.type = “chord” (chord set instruc-
tion type)
se.pat.callProg.x.inst.y.value = “3” (specifies call
progress chord set 3)
se.pat.callProg.x.inst.y.param = “2000” (override ON
duration of chord set to 2000 milliseconds)
silence (d) Play silence for d
milliseconds (Rx
audio is not muted)
se.pat.callProg.x.inst.y.type = “silence” (silence instruc-
tion type)
se.pat.callProg.x.inst.y.value = “300” (specifies silence
is to last 300 milliseconds)
branch (n) Advance n instruc-
tions and execute
that instruction (n
must be negative and
must not branch
beyond the first
se.pat.callProg.x.inst.y.type = “branch” (branch instruc-
tion type)
se.pat.callProg.x.inst.y.value = “-5” (step back 5 instruc-
tions and execute that instruction)
Attribute Permitted Values Interpretation
se.pat.callProg.x.name UTF-8 encoded
Used for identification purposes in the user inter-
face (currently used for ringer patterns only); for
patterns that use a sampled audio file which has
been overridden by a downloaded replacement, the
se.pat.ringer.x.name parameter will be overridden
in the user interface by the file names of the wave