Chapter 4 Using the ViewStation with a PC
ViewStation User Guide 148 www.polycom.com
6. Once a password is entered in the dialog box, click OK to go to
the How to Start a NetMeeting Call Web page. Follow the
on-screen instructions.
Note To locate the IP address of the PC, start NetMeeting on the
PC and select HELP > About Windows NetMeeting. The
IP address for the PC is displayed in the lower portion of the
Help screen.
Figure 4-13. About Windows NetMeeting Dialog Box
7. Select Call from the NetMeeting menu on the PC connected to
the ViewStation.
8. In the Address Field, enter the IP address of the ViewStation
that is connected to the PC. For easy reference, the IP address
of the ViewStation is provided on the How to Start a
NetMeeting Call Web page.
During the NetMeeting call, the whiteboard, chat, application
sharing, and file-transfer capabilities are available. Audio and video
are provided from the ViewStation.
To add participants to a NetMeeting conference, participants must
complete steps 1 through 4 above.