Xirrus Wi-Fi Array: XS-3500/3700/3900
PN: 1725-36061-001_C.doc
Setting the Pre-Shared Key
The pre-shared key must be provided next. In the example below the
passphrase is set to ‘11111111’. The passphrase is an attribute of the
SSID and is set with the following CLI commands:
Xirrus_WLAN_Array(config)# ssid
Xirrus_WLAN_Array(config-ssid)# edit spec
Xirrus_WLAN_Array(config-ssid-spec)# encryption wpa ssid_specific
Xirrus_WLAN_Array(config-ssid-spec)# passphrase 11111111
Xirrus_WLAN_Array(config-ssid-spec)# show
SSID "spec" Settings
State Enabled
Active Yes
Encryption SSID specific WPA
VLAN Number -
QoS Level 2
Active Band 802.11bg
Broadcast On
DHCP Pool none
Traffic Limit Unlimited
Traffic/Station Unlimited
Time on Always
Time off Never
Days on All
Xirrus_WLAN_Array(config-ssid-spec)# exit
Xirrus_WLAN_Array(config-ssid)# show
SSID Summary Table
SSID Name Active Encryption QoS Band Broadcast
--------------------------- ------ -------------- --- ---- ---------
spec Yes WPA 2 11bg On