Total Weight on Your Vehicle’s Tires
Be sure the vehicle’s tires are inflated to the upper
limit for cold tires. These numbers can be found on
the Tire and Loading Information label, that is located
on the driver’s side center B-pillar. See Loading
Your Vehicle on page 4-22. Be sure not to go over
the GVW limit for the vehicle, or the GAWR, including
the weight of the trailer tongue. If a weight distribution
hitch is used, make sure not to go over the rear axle limit
before applying the weight distribution spring bars.
It is important to have the correct hitch equipment.
Crosswinds, large trucks going by, and rough roads
are a few reasons why the correct hitch is needed.
Here are some rules to follow:
• The rear bumper on the vehicle is not intended
for hitches. Do not attach rental hitches or
other bumper-type hitches to it. Use only a
frame-mounted hitch that does not attach
to the bumper.
• If any holes need to be made in the body of the
vehicle to install a trailer hitch, then be sure to
seal the holes later when the hitch is removed.
If the holes are not sealed, deadly carbon monoxide
(CO) from the exhaust can get into the vehicle.
See Engine Exhaust on page 2-36. Dirt and
water can, too.
Safety Chains
Always attach chains between the vehicle and the
trailer. Cross the safety chains under the tongue of the
trailer so that the tongue will not drop to the road if
it becomes separated from the hitch. Instructions about
safety chains may be provided by the hitch manufacturer
or by the trailer manufacturer. Follow the manufacturer’s
recommendation for attaching safety chains and do
not attach them to the bumper. Always leave just
enough slack so the rig can be turned around. And,
never allow safety chains to drag on the ground.