11- ENG
8. Start engine. See Engine
Owners Manual for correct
procedure. NOTE: When engine
rope is pulled, pressure starts
building in the gun. If the engine
does not start after two pulls,
pull the gun trigger to relieve this
9. Depress trigger on gun to
start water flow. NOTE: Stand
on a stable surface and grip
gun/spray wand firmly with both
hands. Expect the gun to kick
when triggered.
10. Release trigger to stop water
11. Adjust spray for the task being
performed by changing quick
connect nozzle. See How To Use
Spray Wand instructions in this
1. After each use, if you have
applied chemicals, place chemical
hose into container of clean water
and draw clean water through
chemical injection system to rinse
system thoroughly. NOTE: Failure
to do so could cause damage to
the pump.
2. Turn engine off. See Engine
Owner’s Manual. NOTE: NEVER
turn the water off with the engine
3. Turn water source off.
4. Pull trigger on spray gun to
relieve any water pressure in
hose or spray gun.
5. See Storage section in this
manual for proper storage
Prior to starting, refer to your engine
manual for proper starting procedure.
1. In a well ventilated outdoor
area add fresh, high quality,
unleaded gasoline with a pump
octane rating of 86 or higher. Do
not overfill. Wipe up spilled fuel
before starting the engine. Refer
to Engine Owners Manual for
correct procedure.
2. Check engine oil level. See
Engine Owners Manual for correct
procedure. NOTE: There will
be a slight amount of oil in the
engine from factory testing.
3. Verify
the filter
screen is in
water inlet
of pump.
Cone side
faces out.
4. Connect
water source to pump inlet.
NOTE: Water source must provide
a minimum of 5 gallons per minute
at 20 PSI.
5. Connect high pressure hose to
pump outlet.
6. If applying a chemical or
cleaning solution, see How
To Apply Chemicals/Cleaning
Solvents instructions in this
7. Turn water source on.
NOTE: Failure to do so could
cause damage to the pump.
Filter Screen