7.0 Site Requirements
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2012
7.7 Condensate Drain (cont.)
11. When discharging condensate into a soil stack or waste
pipe the effects of existing plumbing must be considered. If
soil pipes or waste pipes are subjected to internal pressure
fluctuations when WC's are flushed or sinks emptied then
back-pressure may force water out of the boiler trap and
cause appliance lockout.
2.5° Minimum fall
iii) Termination to a drain or gully
500mm min
2.5° Minimum fall
iv) Termination to a purpose made soakaway
Holes in the soak-away must
face away from the building
50mm per metre of pipe run
50mm per metre of pipe run
Further specific requirements for soakaway
design are referred to in BS 6798.
Pipe must terminate above
water level but below
surrounding surface. Cut
end at 45°