_t, WARNING: Always stop unit and disconnect spark plug before performing alI of
the recommended remedies belowexcept remedies that require operation ofthe unit
Engine wiII not 1. Ignition switch off. f. Move ignition switch to ON
start or wil_ run 2. Engine flooded 2 See "Difficult Starting" in
oniy a few Operation Section.
seconds after 3. Fuet tank empty. 3 FiII tank with correct fuel mixture
starting. 4-.Spark plug not firing. 4 Install new spark plug.
5. Fuel not reaching 5 Check for dirty fuel filter; replace
carburetor Check for kinked or sp_it fuel line;
repair or replace
Engine wil_ f. Idie speed requires 1. See "Carburetor Adjustment" in the
not idle adjustment. Service and Adjustments Section.
properly. 2. Carburetor requires 2. Contact an authorized service dealer.
Engine will not f. Air filter dirty. 1. Clean or replace air fluter.
accelerate, 2. Spark plug fouled 2 Clean or replace plug and regap
lacks power, 3. Chain brake engaged 3 Disengage chain brake
or dies under 4. Carburetor requires 4 Contact an authorized service dealer
a load adjustment.
Engine t. Too much oi_ mixed with t Empty fuel tank and refill with
smokes gasoline correct fuel mixture.
Chain moves 1. Idle speed requires t See "Carburetor Adjustment" in the
at idle speed, adjustment. Service and Adjustments Section.
g. Clutch requires repair. 2 Contact an authorized service dealer.