WARNING: Use of any other attach-
ments not recommended inthis manual may in-
crease the risk ofinjury to persons, fire, or elec-
trical shock. Use of attachments not covered
under the list of recommended attachments in
this manual have not been evaluated for use
with this powerhead by Underwriters Laborato-
WARNING: This unit is notdesigned
for use with a brushcutter attachment.
DANGER: Never u seblades withline
trimmer attachment. Never use flailing de-
vices with any attachment. Use of any othe r
accessories with line trimmer attachment will
increase t he risk of injury.
WARNING: Trimmer line throws ob-
jects violently . You andothers can beblinded/in-
jured. Wear eye and leg protection. Keep body
parts clear of rotating l ine.
Eye Protection
50 ft.
(15 meters)
Keep children, b ystanders, andanimals 50 feet
(15 meters) away. Stop unit immediately if ap-
WARNING: Inspect the area to be
trimmed before each use. Remove objects
(rocks, broken glass, nails, wire, etc.) which
Hard objects can damage the trimmer head
and be thrown causing serious injury.
S Inspect unit before use. Replace damaged
parts. M ake sure all handles, guards, and
fasteners are in place and securely fas-
tened. Parts that are damagedmust be re-
pairedorreplacedby anauthorizedservice
dealer. These include head parts that are
cracked, orchipped, guards, andanyother
part that is damaged.
S Keep firm fo oting a nd b alance. Do n ot o ver-
reach or use from unstable surfaces such as
ladders, trees, steep slopes, rooftops, etc.
S Keep allparts of your body away from cut-
ting head and spinning line.
S Keepthecuttingheadbelow waistlevel.Do
notraisehandles aboveyourwaist.Cutting
head can come dangerously close to your
body .
S Use unit properly. Use only for trimming, edg-
ing, scalping, and mowing. Do not force unit.
It will do the job better and with less risk ofin-
jury at the rate for which it was designed.
S When using the trimmer attachment, keep
cutting line a t proper length. Use only 0.080″
(2 mm) diameter Poulan brand line. Never
use wire, rope, string, etc.
S Installrequired shieldproperly beforeusing
thetrimmer attachment. Use onlyspecified
trimmer head and spool; make sure it is
properly installed and securely fastened.
S Cut from your right to your left. Cutting on
left sideof theshieldwill throw debris away
from the operator.
S Store the unit so the line lim iter blade (on
underside of shield) cannot cause injury.
WARNING: Inspect area before
starting unit. Remove a ll debrisand hard ob-
jects such as rocks, glass, wire, etc. that can
ricochet, b ethrown,orotherwisecauseinjury
or damage dur ing operation.
S Never place objects inside the vacuum
tube(s). Always direct the blowing debris
objects such as trees, automobiles, walls,
sticks tobe thrown orto ricochet whichcan
hurt people or animals, break glass, or
cause other damage.
S Never run unit without the proper equip-
ment attached. When using your unit as a
vacuum, alw ays install vacuum tube(s).
S Check air intake opening or vacuum tube(s)
frequently, always with engine stopped and
unit disconnected from power source. Keep
vents and tubes free of debris which can ac-
cumulate and restrict proper air flow .
WARNING: The reciprocating blade
can cause severe injury. Inspect the unit be-
fore use. Do not operate unit with a bent,
cracked or dull blade.
WARNING: Keep away from the
blade.Th e rec ipr ocat ing b lade is sharp. Do not
touch.To prevent serious injury,always stop e n-
gineand ensureblade hasstopped moving,dis-
connect unit from power source, and wear
gloves when changing or handling the blade.
WARNING: A coasting blade can
cause injury while it continues to move after the
engine isstopped. Maintainproper control ofthe
unituntiltheblade hascompletely stoppedmov-
ing. Keep hands, face a nd feet at a distance
fromallmovingparts. Donot attempttotouchor
stop the blade when it is moving.