fingers of your left hand encircling andyour
left thumb under the assist handle. Keep
your right hand completely around the
throttle handle whether your are right
handed or left handed.
S Stand with your weightevenly balanced on
both feet.
S Stand slightly t othe leftside of the prunerto
keep your body from being in a direct line
with the cutting chain.
The following featur es are included on your
pruner to help reduce the haz ard o fkickback;
however, such featur es will not totally elimi-
nate this danger. As a pruner user,do not rely
only on safety devices. You must follow all
safety precautions, instructions, and mainte-
nance in this manual to help avoid kickback
and other forces which can result in serious
S Reduced--Kickback Guide Bar, design ed
with a small radius tip which reduces the
sizeof the kickbackdanger zone onthe b a r
Small Radius Tip
Reduced Kickback Symmetrical Guide Bar
Symmetrical Guide Bar
Large Radius Tip
S Low--Kickback Chain, designed with a
contoured depth gauge and guard link
which deflect kickback force an d allow
wood to gradually ride into the cutter .
Low--- Kickback
Not a Low---
ickback Chain
Can Obstruct Material
Contoured Depth Gauge
Elongate d Guard Link
kickback force
and all ows wood
to graduallyride
into cutter
WARNING: The engine exhaust
from this product contains chemicals known
totheStat eof Californiatocause c ancer,birth
defects or other reproductive har m .
SAFETY NOTICE: Exposure tovibrations
through prolonged use of gaso line powered
hand tools could cause bloodvessel or nerve
damage in the fingers, hands, and joints of
people prone to circulat ion disor ders or ab-
normal swe llings. P rolonged use in cold
weather hasbeenlinkedtoblood vessel dam-
age inotherwise healthy people. Ifsymptoms
occu r such as numbness, pain, loss of
strength, change in skin color or texture, or
loss of feeling in the fingers, hands, or joints,
discontinuethe use ofthis tooland seekmed-
ical attention. An anti--vibration system does
not guarantee the avoidance of these prob-
lems. Users who operat e power tools on a
continual and regular basis must m onitor
closelytheirphysicalconditionand thecondi-
tion of this tool.
SPECIAL NOTICE: This unit is equipped
with a tempe rature lim iting m uf fler and spark ar-
rest ing screen which meets th e requirem ents of
Califo rnia Codes 4442 and 4 443. All U.S. forest
land and the states of Calif ornia, Idaho, Maine,
Minnesot a, New Jersey , Oregon, and W ashing-
ton requi re by law that many internal combus-
tion engines be equipped with a sp ark a rresting
screen. If yo u operate i n a locale where such
regulations exist , yo u are legally responsible for
maintaining t he operating condition of these
For norm al homeowner use, the muffler and
spark arrestin g scr een will not require any ser-
vice. Aft er 50 hours of u se, we r ecomm end that
your muffler be serviced or replace d by an au-
thorized service dealer.
WARNING: For each optional at-
tachment used, r ead entire instr uction manu-
al before use and follow all warnings and in-
structions in manual and on attach ment.
WARNING: Ensure handlebar is
installed when using brushcutter attachment.
Attachhandlebar above arrow on safety label
on the upper s haft ( engineend ofunit).If your
brushcutter attachment does not include a
handlebar, a handlebar acce ssory kit
(#530071451) is available from your autho-
rized service dealer.
DANGE R: Never useblades withline
trimmer attachment. Never use flailing de-
vices with any attachment. Use of any other
accessories with line trimmer attach ment w ill
increase the risk of injury.