WARNING: If the saw is operated
with a loose chain, the chain could jump of f
the guide bar and result in serious injury to
the operator and/or damage the chain mak-
ing i t unusable.
WARNING: Muf fleris very hotduring
and after use. Do not touch the muf fler oral-
low combustible material s uch as dry grass
or fuel to do so.
WARNING: Be sure to read t he fuel
handling inf ormation in the safety rules sec-
tionof thismanualbeforeyoubegin.If youdo
not understand the fuel handling information
do not attempt to fuel your unit. Seek help
from someone that does understand the in-
formation or call the customer assistance
help li n e at 1-800-554-6723.
WARNING: Remove fuel cap slowly
when refueling.
To obtain thecorrect oil mix
ratio, pour 3.2 ounces of
2--cycle synthetic oil into
one gallon of fresh gas.
This engine is certified t o operate on u nleaded
gasoline. Before operation, gasoline must be
mixed with a good quality synthetic 2-cycle air-
cooled engine oil designed to be m ixed at ara-
tio o f 4 0:1. Poula n/WEED EATER brand syn-
thetic oil is recommended. A 40:1 ratio is
obtained by mi xing 3.2 fluid ounces (9 5 ml ) of
oilwith1gallon(4lite rs)ofunleaded gasoline.
Included with this saw is a 3.2 ounce (95 ml)
container of Poulan/WEED EATER brand syn-
thetic oil. Pour the entire contents o f this con-
tainer into 1 gallon (4 liters) of gasoline to
achieve the proper fuel mixture. DO NOTUSE
automotive or marine oil. These oils will
causeengine damage. Whenmixing fuelfol-
low the instructions printed on the container .
Alwaysread andfollow thesafety ruleslisted
CAUTION : Never use stra i g h t gaso l i ne in
your unit. This will cause permanent engine
damage and void the limited warranty .
This engine requires the u se of minimum 87
octane [R+M]/2 clean gasoline.
Use of alcohol blended fuels ( called gasohol or
using ethanol or methanol) can cause major
engine performance and durability problems.
WARNING: Alternative fuels (not gas-
oline) such as E--15 (15% alcohol), E--20 (20%
alcohol), E--85 (85% alcohol) are NOT classi-
fied as gasoline and are NOT approved foruse
in 2--stroke gasoline engines. Use of alterna-
tive fuels w ill cause problems such as: improp-
er clutch engagements, overheating, vapor
lock, power loss, l ubrication deficiency,deterio-
ration of f uel li nes, gaskets and i nternal carbu-
retor components, etc. A lternative fuels cause
high moisture absorption into the fuel/oil mix-
tur e le adi ng to oil and fuel separation.
The bar and chain require continuous lubri-
cation. Lubrication is provided by the auto-
matic oiler system when the oil tank is kept
filled. Lack of oil will quickly ruin the ba r and
chain. Too little oil will cause overheating
shownby smokecomingfrom thechainand/
or discoloration of the bar.
In freezing weather oil w ill thicken, making it
necessary to thin bar and chain oil with a
small amount (5 to 10%) of #1 Diesel Fuel or
kerosene. Bar and chain oil must be free
flowing for theoilsystemto pumpenough oil
for adequate lubrication.
Genuine Poulan bar and chain oil is recom-
mended to protect your u nit a gainst excessive
wear from heat andfriction. Poulan oil resists
high temperature thinning.
If Poulan bar and chain oil is not available,
use a good grade S AE 30 oil.
S Never usewaste oilfor barand chainlubri-
S Always stop the engine before removing
the oil cap.
Ensure chain brake is disengaged by pulling
the front hand guard back toward the front han-
dle as far as possible. The chain brake must b e
disengaged before cutting with the saw .
WARNING: The chain must not
move when the engine runs at idle speed. If
the chain moves at idle speed refer t o CAR-
manual. Avoid contact with the muffler. Ahot
muffler c an cause serious burns.
To stop the engine move the ON/ST OP
switch to the ST OP position.
To start the engine hold the saw fi rm ly on the
ground as illustrated. Make sure the chain is
free t o turn w ithou t contacting a ny ob ject.
Left Hand
on F ront
Starter Rope Han dle
Right Foot Through R ear Handle
Use only 15″ -- 18 ″ (40 -- 45 c m) o
rope per pull.
Hold saw firmly while pulling starter rope.
WARNING: Do not attempt to throw
or drop--startthe chain saw .Doingso willput
the operator at risk of serious injury due to
loss of control of the chain saw.