S Remove spark plugand pour 1teaspoonof
40:1,2-cycleengine oil (air cooled) through
the spark plug opening. Slowly pull the
starter r ope 8 to 10 times to distribut e oil.
S Replace spark plug with newone of r ecom-
mended type and heat range.
S Clean air filter.
S Check entire unit for loose screws, nuts,
and bolts. Replace any damaged, br oken,
or w orn parts.
S At the beginning of the next season, use
only fresh fuel hav ingtheproper gasolineto
oil ratio.
S Do not store gasoline from one season to
another. Replace your gasoline ca n if it
starts to ru st.
Engine w ill not
1. E ngine flooded.
2. Fuel tank empty.
3. S park plug not firing.
4. Fuel not reaching
carburet or.
5. C arburetor r equires
1. See “S tarting a F looded Engine” in
Operation Section.
2. Fill tank with correct fuel mixtur e.
3. Install new spar k plug.
4. Check for dir ty fuel filter; r eplace.
Check for kinked or split fuel line;
repair or replace.
5. Contact an authorized service dealer.
Engine will
not idle
1. Carburetor requires
2. Crankshaft seals worn.
3. Compression low .
1. See “Carburetor Idle Speed Adjustment”
in Service and Adjustments Section.
2. Contact an authorized service dealer.
3. Contact an authorized service dealer.
1. Air filter dirty.
2. S park plug fouled.
3. Carburetor requires
4. Carbon build-up on
muffler outlet screen.
5. Compression low .
Engine w ill not
lacks power,
or dies under
a load.
1. Clean or replace air filter.
2. Clean or replace plug
and regap.
3. Contact an authorized service dealer.
4. Contact an authorized service dealer.
5. Contact an authorized service dealer.
exce ssively.
1. Fuel mixtu re incorrect.
2. Air filter dirty.
3. Carburetor requires
1. Empty fuel tank and refill with
correct fuel mixture.
2. Clean or replace air filter.
3. Contact an authorized service dealer.
Engine r uns
1. Fuel mixt ure incorre ct.
2. Spark plug incorrect.
3. Carburetor requires
4. Carbon build- up on
muffler outlet screen.
1. See “F ueling Engine” in Operation
2. Replace with correct spark plug.
3. Contact an authorized service dealer.
4. Contact an authorized service dealer.
WARNING: Alwaysstop unitand disconnectsparkplug befor eperformingall ofthe
recommended remedies below except remedies that require oper ation of the unit.