WARNING: When using electric
gardening appliances, basic safety pre-
cautions must always be followed to re-
duce the risk of fire, electric shock, and
serious injury. Read and follow all
WARNING: Always disconnect
power sour ce when m aking repai r s, ad-
justments, a nd w he n changing a ccesso-
ries and atta chm ents such as saw bar,
chain or guards.
Because a chain saw is a high-speed
woodcutti ng tool, special precauti ons
must be observed t o reduce r isk of acci-
dents. Car eless or improper use of t his
tool can cause seri ous injury.
S Rest r ict the use of your sa w to ad ul t us-
ers who understand and can follow the
saf ety rules, precauti on s, and operat ing
instr uct i ons f ound in t his manual.
S Dress properly. Wear protective gear.
Alwaysus e steel-toed safetyfootwear
with non-slip soles; snug-fitting cloth-
ing; heavy-duty, non-slip gloves; eye
protection such as non-fogging,
vented goggles or face screen; an ap-
proved safety hard hat; and sound
barriers (ear plugs or mufflers) to pro-
tect your hearing. Regular users
should have hearing checked regular-
ly as c hain saw noise can damage
Safety Chaps
Heavy Duty
Safety Hat
S Secure hair above shoulder length. D o
not wear l oose cl ot hing or j ewel r y; they
can get caught in moving par ts.
S Keep al l part s of your body aw ay fr om
the chain when saw i s running.
S Keep child r en away. Do not let visi tor s
cont act chai n saw or extension cord. Al l
visit ors should be kept at least 30 feet
(10 meters) away fr om work ar ea.
S Do not handle or oper ate a chai n saw
when you are fatigued, ill, upset, or ifyou
have taken alcohol, drugs, or medica-
tion. You m ust be i n good physical con-
diti on and mental lyaler t.If you have any
condition that mi ght be aggravat ed by
strenuous wor k, check w i t h doct or be-
fore operat i ng. Watch what you are do-
ing. Use common sense.
S Do notstar tcuttinguntilyou have aclear
work ar ea,secure f oot i ng, and especial-
ly if you are felling a tree, a retreat path.
Keep work area cl ean.
S Do not operate wi th one hand. Serious
injury to the operator , helpers, or by-
standers may r esult fr om one-handed
operati on. A chain saw i s i nt ended f or
two-handed use.
S Do not operate saw f r oma ladderor in a
S Make sur e t he cha i n w i ll no t m a ke con-
tact wit h any object whil e s t ar t i ng the
saw. Never start the saw when the
guide bar is in a cut.
S Do not force chai n saw. It wi ll do the job
better and safe r at t he ra te f o r which i t
was i nt ended.
S Do not put pr essure on t he saw, espe-
cially at the end of the cut. Doing so can
cause youto lose controlwhenthe cutis
S Stop the saw before setti ng it down.
S Hand carry saw onl y when motor is
stopped. Carr y t he chain saw by the
fronthandle wit h t hesaw stopped,finger
of f the swit ch, the guide bar and s aw
chain t o the r ear.
S Use the r ight tool , cut wood on ly. D o n’t
use chain saw for pur pose not int ended;
for example, don’t use chain saw forcut-
tingplastic,masonry, non-wood buil di ng
materi als.
S Do not operate a chai n saw that is dam-
aged, impr operl y adjust ed, or not com-
pletel y and securely assembled. Al-
ways replace bar , chain, hand guard, or
othe r part s imm ediatel y if they become
damaged, broken, or ar e otherwi se re-
S Insp ect chain saw cords perio dical ly
and if damaged, have re pa ir ed by an
authori zed service dealer.
S Have all ch ai n saw ser vice pe rfo r m ed
by a n autho riz ed service dealer except
the items listed in the
section of t his manual.
S Make cert ain saw chain stops moving
when tr i g ger sw itch is rel ea sed.