08.26.11 CL Printed in the U.S.A.
This product has been expertly en gi neered and carefully manu fac tured to rigid quality stan dards. As with all mechanical
products, some adjustments or part replacement may be necessary during the life of your unit.
For Parts and service, contact our authorized distributor: call 1-800-849-1297
• For replacement parts, have available the following information:
a. Model Number/Manufacturer's I.D. Number
b. Description of part.
For Technical Assistance: call 1-800-829-5886
For a Parts Manual, go to our website: www.poulan.com/support.asp
NOTE: HOP provides parts and service through its au thor ized dis tribu tors and dealers; there fore, all
requests for parts and service should be directed to your local dealer(s). The phi loso phy of HOP
is to con tinu ally improve all of its prod ucts. If the operating characteristics or the appearance
of your product differs from those described in this Manual, please contact your local dealer
for updated in for ma tion and as sis tance.