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A. PRAMAC Lifter electrical generating sets originally sold by PRAMAC Industries, Inc. or an authorized Distributor/
Dealer thereof, are covered by a limited warranty for a period of 12 months. The Warranty period begins on the date of
purchase by the end user, 2 days after shipment to the end user by the PRAMAC Lifter™ Distributor/ Dealer, or 12
months from the date of original invoice by PRAMAC Industries, Inc.- whichever occurs first. PRAMAC Industries, Inc.
warrants their PRAMAC Lifter products to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for the time period shown
above and within the limitations presented in the following. This PRAMAC Lifter Limited Warranty does not cover
components or assemblies manufactured by other organizations, including, but not limited to – engine, alternator,
receptacles, etc. Warranties for items and assemblies not manufactured by PRAMAC Industries, Inc. are covered
under the warranties of the respective manufacturers of those products. Documentation concerning the warranty
policies of items not manufactured by PRAMAC Industries, Inc., but included as part of the PRAMAC Lifter electrical
generator is included within the generator documentation.
These warranties are in lieu of and exclude all other warranties of merchantability, fitness, or otherwise, express or
implied. There are no warranties extending beyond the description on the face thereof. The sole obligation of PRAMAC
Industries, Inc. (Seller) shall be to repair or replace any components thereof which are proved to be other than
warranted. PRAMAC Industries, Inc. shall have the sole right to determine whether such goods shall be repaired or
replaced. This remedy of repair or replacement is in lieu of all other remedies, and it is agreed that no other claim may
be made by the Buyer. Buyer and Seller agree that the sole purpose of this remedy is to provide the Buyer a
satisfactory product under the contract. It is further agreed that in no event shall the Seller be liable for incidental or
consequential damages arising from any breach of warranty. If goods are claimed to be other than as warranted, Seller
or Sellers Authorized Agent, upon notice promptly given, will issue shipping instructions for return to the Seller or
Sellers authorized Agent (transportation costs to be born by Buyer) the goods or components, and if goods are proven
to be other than as warranted, replacement or repaired components will be shipped (cheapest way) to the Buyer with
transportation costs borne by the Seller. PRAMAC Industries, Inc. reserves absolute and final decision power regarding
the warrantability of any and all failed components or parts. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied
warranty lasts, and some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the
above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also
have other rights that vary from state to state.
B. All warranties of merchantability, fitness or otherwise, whether express or implied, shall not extend to any goods or
parts thereof which have been: subject to misuse or neglect, damaged by accident, rendered defective by reason of
improper handling or application, damaged or rendered defective due to tampering of factory set adjustments, damaged
due to shipment, damaged due to lack of maintenance, damaged due to collision, impact or shock loads, damaged due
to corrosion/ rust or damaged due to overload. Further, any modifications to the intended and original designed use of
the PRAMAC Lifter electrical generator will negate all warranties. Seller does not accept any liability for normal wear
and tear, nor for charges for repairs or replacements made without authority, nor contingent liability of any kind.
C. YOUR WARRANTY RESPONSIBILITIES: You are responsible for the performance of all maintenance including the
use of approved fluids. Upon first indication of a problem, you are to cease operation of your PRAMAC Lifterelectrical
generator and report the problem to your Authorized PRAMAC Lifter Distributor/ Dealer. Upon request, you will be
required to produce proof of purchase and other pertinent information. Your Authorized PRAMAC Lifter Distributor/
Dealer will instruct you regarding transportation (prepaid by buyer) of your PRAMAC Lifter electrical generator to the
Authorized Distributor/ Dealer location or arrange for shipment (prepaid by buyer) of the failed components to the
Authorized Distributor/ Dealer for warranty inspection. The name, address and telephone number of your local
PRAMAC Lifter Distributor/ Dealer or authorized service facility may be obtained by contacting PRAMAC Industries,
Inc. at (770) 479-2922.
January 01, 2002