Kids UP Series www.pridemobility.com 19
Transit Feature (Optional)
The Kids UP Series Wheelchairs are approved for transporting children in motor vehicles when the wheelchair is
equipped with optional transit features. Use in accordance with the instructions supplied by the vehicle-mounted
tie-down manufacturer and the following guidelines:
The Kids UP Series Wheelchairs conform to, and have been dynamically tested in compliance with ANSI/
RESNA WC /Vol. 1, Section 19.5.3.
Contact your Quantum Rehab Provider with any questions regarding use of the wheelchair for seating in a
motor vehicle.
WARNING! Ensure that restraints are not held away from the body by wheelchair components.
WARNING! Attach tie-downs only to designated tie-down locations.
WARNING! Do not use the wheelchair if the wheelchair has been involved in a crash.
Transfer the child to the vehicle seat, and use the vehicle-installed restraint system whenever possible.
The wheelchair must be secured in a forward-facing position with a Wheelchair Tie-down and Occupant
Restraint System (WTORS) that meets the requirements of SAE J2249 Recommended Practice (Wheelchair
Tie-down and Occupant Restraint System for Use in Motor Vehicles).
The Kids UP Series Wheelchairs have been dynamically tested in a forward-facing mode with the test device
restrained by both pelvic and upper torso belts. Both pelvic and upper torso belts must be used to reduce the
possibility of head and chest impacts with vehicle components.
For approved transit tie-down locations and location of the pelvic belt attachment pin, see figures 16 and 17.
The Kids FAST Wheelchair can accommodate up to 80 lbs. (36 kg); the Kids ROCK 2 Wheelchair can
accommodate up to 110 lbs. (50 kg), and the Kids ROCK 3 Wheelchair can accommodate up to 215 lbs.
(97 kg). Do not exceed these occupant weights.
The wheelchair must be placed in a forward-facing position when used as a seat in a motor vehicle. Use an
approved four-point strap-type tie-down system, and an approved three-point belt for the child. Secure the
wheelchair and the child using the instructions provided with the tie-down system.
Figure 16. The Kids UP Tie-down Locations Figure 17. The Kids UP Pelvic Belt Attachment Pin