Appendix V-D: Accessories Listing
SP-750i Monochromators & Spectrographs
SP-755 SP-750i, 750mm Monochromator: Base instrument with 90˚ optical path,
direct digital wavelength drive, Autotrack™ electronics, built-in RS232 and IEEE488
computer compatibility and triple indexable grating mount with one triple grating turret.
Requires grating(s), entrance slit, exit slit, and a #750-749 remote scan controller or computer
for operation. Includes PC-based software for control of SP-750i.
SP-756 SP-750i, 750mm Spectrograph: Same as above, with an array detector mounting
flange mounted on the exit port, compatible with standard Princeton Instruments, EG&G
PARC, or Photometrics (Spectra 9000 type) array detectors.
SP-757 SP-750i, 750mm Dual Exit Port Monochromator: Same as SP-755, with a
micrometer controlled entrance slit, two micrometer controlled exit slits and a motorized exit
slit selection mirror. Provides 90° and 180° optical paths.
SP-758 SP-750i, 750mm Monochromator/SpectroGraph: Same as SP-755, with
micrometer controlled entrance and exit slits 180° apart, motorized exit port selection mirror
and a multichannel detector adapter flange on end port.
Remote Scan Controller
750-749 Remote Scan Controller with Software: Functions include scanning, change of scan
speeds, wavelength readout in nanometers, GOTO, and grating selection. Includes controller
(H-P Graphics Calculator with RS232 output port), 5 foot long connecting cable and
dedicated scan control software.
Assemblies: Bilaterally Adjustable and Fixed Width
SP-716-1 Bilaterally adjustable ENTRANCE slit assembly for SP-750i monochromator or
spectrograph. Micrometer adjustable widths from 10µm to 3mm. Supplied with
interchangeable 4.0mm and 14.0mm high baffles.
SP-716-2 Bilaterally adjustable EXIT slit assembly with adapter for SP-750i monochromator.
Micrometer adjustable widths from 10µm to 3mm. Supplied with interchangeable 4.0mm
and 14.0mm high baffles.
Triple Grating Turret
GT-483 Optional interchangeable triple grating turret for the SP-750i. Must be specified at
time of SP-750i manufacture. Includes second turret, requires gratings.