Tsunami MP.11a Antenna Installation Guide
The point-to-point link function lets you set up a connection between two locations as an alternative to:
▪ Leased lines in building-to-building connections
▪ Wired Ethernet backbones between wireless access points in hard-to-wire environments
Point-to-Multipoint Network
To connect more than two buildings, you can choose to:
▪ Set up multiple point-to-point links, using multiple pairs of Base Station and Subscriber Units
▪ Set up a single point-to-multipoint network using a single Base Station Unit and multiple Subscriber
Units, as depicted in the following figure.
Figure 2. Point-to-Multipoint Network
The system in this figure is designed as follows:
▪ The central building (c) is equipped with the Base Station Unit, connected to either an omni-directional or
a wide angle antenna.
▪ The two other buildings (a and b) are both equipped with a Subscriber Unit connected to a directional
Note: Depending upon local radio regulations and legislation, the outdoor antenna solutions described in
this document may not be available in all parts of the world. Consult “Appendix C. Certified Outdoor
Solutions” for more information.
About this Book 7
CPN 65756B Issue Date: August 2003