
3 – QCP2340/2342
3-8 CF2351102-00 F
The connection mode and options display. For example:
Current HBA connection mode: 2 - Point-to-point only
Possible connection mode choices:
0 - Loop Only
1 - Point-to-point only
2 - Loop preferred, otherwise point-to-point
2. If the connection mode is not correct based on the devices connected to the
QCP2340/2342 HBA, change it using the set-connection-mode command.
For example:
ok 0 set-connection-mode
The new connection mode displays. For example:
Calculating NVRAM checksum, please wait...
Current HBA connection mode: 0 - Loop Only
Possible connection mode choices:
0 - Loop Only
1 - Point-to-point only
2 - Loop preferred, otherwise point-to-point
Setting the QCP2340/2342 HBA Loop ID
When the QCP2340/2342 HBA is currently operating in loop mode (through
connection mode 0 or connection mode 2), perform the following steps to view its
loop ID and change it if necessary:
1. To view the loop ID, type the show-adapter-loopid command.
ok show-adapter-loopid
The loop ID displays. For example:
Adapter loopid - 7c
2. If the loop ID is not correct, change it using the set-adapter-loopid command.
For example:
ok 0 set-adapter-loopid
The new loop ID displays. For example:
Adapter loopid - 0