5–Fibre Channel Noninteractive Commands
-n (Set Selected HBA Parameter)
5-26 SN0054667-00 C
(Set Selected HBA Parameter)
To set a specific parameter on a specific adapter, issue the following command:
# qaucli -pr fc -n (<hba instance> | <hba wwpn>) { (<param name> |
<param alias>) <param value>}
To restore the default BIOS (4G adapters only), issue the following command:
# qaucli -pr fc -n (<hba instance> | <hba wwpn>) default
The pairs <param name> <param value> and <param alias> <param value> can
be repeated to set multiple parameters with a single command.
Table 5-9 lists the adapter parameter names and aliases.
hba instance = Adapter number (use -g command to find)
hba wwpn = World wide port name of the adapter
param name = Name of the parameters
param alias = Alias of the parameters
param value = New value of the parameters
Table 5-9. Adapter Parameters
Description Name Alias Value
Connection options ConnectionOption CO
See table note
Data rate DataRate DR
See table note
Enable BIOS
EB 1=Enable, 0=Disable
Enable extended logging
EL 1=Enable, 0=Disable
Enable Fibre Channel tape EnableFCTape EF 1=Enable, 0=Disable
Enable hard loop ID EnableHardLoopID HL 1=Enable, 0=Disable
Enable LIP full login EnableLIPFullLogin FL 1=Enable, 0=Disable
Enable LIP reset EnableLipReset LP 1=Enable, 0=Disable
Enable target reset EnableTargetReset TR 1=Enable, 0=Disable
Execution throttle ExecutionThrottle ET 1–65535
Frame size FrameSize FR 512, 1024, 2048
Hard loop ID HardLoopID HD 0–125
Interrupt delay timer InterruptDelayTimer ID 0–255