4 – Managing Switches
Archiving a Switch
59022-03 D 4-15
Reinitializing the Configuration File System
If the Heartbeat LED on the switch is the 4-blink pattern, the configuration file
system may be corrupted. To recover the previous switch configuration, use the
Config Restore command. The Heartbeat LED 4-blink pattern continues until a
previous switch configuration is successfully restored. The Heartbeat LED is not
reflected in the SANbox Manager.
Archiving a Switch
You can create an .XML archive file containing the configuration parameters.
Archived parameters include the following:
■ Switch properties and statistics
■ IP configuration
■ SNMP configuration
■ Port properties and statistics
■ Zoning configuration
This archive file can be used to restore the configuration on the same switch or on
a replacement switch. You can also use the archive file as a template for
configurring new switches to add to a fabric. Security settings and user account
information are not archived. The archive can be used later to restore the switch.
Refer to ”Restoring a Switch” on page 4-16 for more information. To archive a
switch, do the following:
1. Open the Switch menu and select Archive.
2. In the Save window, enter a file name.
3. Choose the Save button.