
5 – Managing Ports
Displaying Port Information
5-6 59022-11 A
Flow Errors Number of times a frame is received and all the switch ports
receive buffers are full. The normal Fabric Login exchange of
flow control credit should prevent this from occurring. The
frame will be discarded.
FReject Number of frames, from devices, that have been rejected.
Frames can be rejected for any of a large number of reasons.
Invalid CRC Number of invalid Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) frames
Invalid Destination
Number of address identifier (S_ID, D_ID) errors. AL_PA
equals non-zero AL_PA found on F_Port.
Link Failures Number of optical link failures detected by this port. A link
failure is a loss of synchronization or by loss of signal while not
in the offline state. A loss of signal causes the switch to
attempt to re-establish the link. If the link is not re-established,
a link failure is counted. A link reset is performed after a link
LIP (AL_PD,AL_PS) Number of F7, AL_PS LIPs, or AL_PD (vendor specific) resets,
LIP(f7,AL_PS) This LIP is used to reinitialize the loop. An L_port, identified by
AL_PS, may have noticed a performance degradation and is
trying to restore the loop.
LIP(f7,f7) A loop initialization primitive frame used to acquire an AL_PA.
LIP(f8,AL_PS) This LIP denotes a loop failure detected by the L_port
identified by AL_PS.
Login Count Number of device logins that have occurred on the switch.
Logout Count Number of device logouts that have occurred on the switch.
Loop Timeouts Number of loop timeouts.
Loss Of Sync Number of synchronization losses (>100 ms) detected by this
port. A loss of synchronization is detected by receipt of an
invalid transmission word.
Primitive Sequence
Number of bad primitives received by the port.
Rx Link Resets Number of link reset primitives received from an attached
Rx Offline Sequences Number of offline sequence primitives received by the port.
Table 5-5. Port Statistics Data Window Entries (Continued)
Entry Description