59060-02 B 2-1
Section 2
Events and Event Logging
Messages originate from the switch or from the Enterprise Fabric Suite 2007
application in response to events that occur in the fabric.
Understanding Severity Levels
Events are classified by the following severity levels:
Alarm – The alarm level describes events that are disruptive to the
administration or operation of a fabric and require administrator intervention.
Alarms are always logged and always displayed on the screen. Alarm
thresholds can be defined for certain port errors to customize when to
generate an alarm.
Critical – The critical level describes events that are generally disruptive to
the administration or operation of the fabric, but require no action.
Warning – The warning level describes events that are generally not
disruptive to the administration or operation of the fabric, but are more
important than the informative level events.
Informative – The informative level describes routine events associated with
a normal fabric.
Displaying Events using the Event Browser
Enterprise Fabric Suite 2007 provides an Event Browser, which displays events
from the switch event log and events that are generated by Enterprise Fabric
Suite 2007 itself. The Event Browser formats events by severity, timestamp,
source, type, and description. Events read from the switch event log obtain the
timestamp from the switch clock, while events generated by Enterprise Fabric
Suite 2007 use the workstation clock.
The Event Browser can maintain a maximum of 1500 events. Once the maximum
is reached, the oldest events are discarded and replaced with new events. To
display the Event Browser, open the Fabric menu and select Show Event
Browser, or click the Events button on the tool bar. When you close Enterprise
Fabric Suite 2007, all events in the Event Browser are lost. To save events to file
before closing Enterprise Fabric Suite 2007, open the File menu from the Event
Browser window and select Save As. For more information about the Event
Browser, refer to the Switch Management User’s Guide for your switch.