3 – Planning
59096-04 A 3-3
A zoning database is maintained on each switch. Table 3-1 describes the zoning
database limits, excluding the active zone set.
The SANbox 5000 Series switch supports class 2 and class 3 Fibre Channel
service at transmission rates of 1-, 2-, 4-, or 10-Gbps with a maximum frame size
of 2148 bytes. A 1/2/4-Gbps port adapts its transmission speed to match that of
the device to which it is connected prior to login when the connected device
powers up. 10-Gbps ports transmit at 10-Gbps. Related performance
characteristics include the following:
Table 3-1. Zoning Database Limits
Limit Description
MaxZoneSets Maximum number of zone sets (256).
MaxZones Maximum number of zones (2000).
MaxAliases Maximum number of aliases (2500).
MaxTotalMembers Maximum number of zone and alias members (10000) that
can be stored in the zoning database. Each instance of a
zone member or alias member counts toward this maximum.
MaxZonesInZoneSets Maximum number of zones that are components of zone
sets (2000), excluding the orphan zone set. Each instance of
a zone in a zone set counts toward this maximum.
MaxMembersPerZone Maximum number of members in a zone (2000).
MaxMembersPerAlias Maximum number of members in an alias (2000)
NOTE: This document refers to ports 0–15 as 1/2/4-Gbps ports for
convenience though SANbox 5200 series switches do not support
4-Gbps transmission.