❑ If round-trip latencies are greater than 50 ms or WAN line rate is DS-3 (4500Mb/Sec) or less, enable
❑ Except for mapping of tape devices, select load balancing.
❑ On next screen, confirm the summary of this change.
❑ On next screen, enter the local router’s password.
❑ Status screen displays the status of this operation.
Using CLI:
Use “remotemap add” CLI command.
Congratulations! You have now successfully installed your QLogic
SANbox 6142s and mapped the FC devices from remote SAN to local SAN.
Refer to the section on Performance Tuning in the SANbox 6142 Intelligent Storage Router User’s Guide for optimal
parameter settings.
Step 10. Configuring SANbox 6142s for Connecting FC/iSCSI Initiators to
FC/iSCSI Targets
Using GUI:
Run “Map Local Initiator/Target” wizard to establish connection between devices.
❑ Select Initiator Device (FC or iSCSI).
❑ Select a Target Device.
❑ If you selected an iSCSI initiator, select the FC port on which this initiator is to be presented. The FC WWPN
for this iSCSI initiator is automatically assigned. It is not recommended to change the assigned FC WWPN
for this initiator.
❑ Select Target presentation port and iSCSI target name.
❑ The next screen displays the device mapping information. Verify the information before confirming.
Using CLI:
Use the "localmap add" command to map an FC or iSCSI initiator to an FC or iSCSI target.
Refer to Appendix A in the SANbox 6142 Intelligent Storage Router User’s Guide.
Congratulations! You have now successfully installed your QLogic
SANbox 6142 and mapped your iSCSI/FC servers to iSCSI/FC storage.