
59047-09 C Glossary-1
Arbitrated Loop Physical Address
Arbitrated Loop
A Fibre Channel topology where ports use
arbitration to establish a point-to-point
Arbitrated Loop Physical Address (AL_PA)
A unique one-byte value assigned during
loop initialization to each NL_Port on a
Abstract Syntax Notation (ASN.1)
Abstract Syntax Notation number One
(ASN.1) is an international standard that
specifies data used in communication
Authentication Trap
Enables or disables the reporting of SNMP
authentication failures. If enabled, a notifi-
cation trap is sent to the configured trap
addresses in the event of an authentica-
tion failure. The default value is False.
Bit Error Rate
Bit Error Rate
The probability that a transmitted bit will be
erroneously received. The BER is
measured by counting the number of bits
in error at the output of a receiver and
dividing by the total number of bits in the
transmission. BER is typically expressed
as a negative power of 10.
Buffer Credit
A measure of port buffer capacity equal to
one frame.
Class 2 Service
A service that multiplexes frames at frame
boundaries to or from one or more
N_Ports wit h acknowledgment provided.
Class 3 Service
A service that multiplexes frames at frame
boundaries to or from one or more
N_Ports without acknowledgment.
Specifies the name of the contact person
who is to be contacted to respond to trap
events. The default is undefined.
A message sent between two communi-
cating entities for which no explicit link
level acknowledgement is expected.
Domain ID
User defined name that identifies the
switch in the fabric.