3 – Event Messages
Warning Events
59060-05 A 3-63
(W) (8B00.0013) (Encountered failure communicating with SMTP server=ip_address,
port=port_number, Reason=reason, Description=description,
Meaning: The Call Home Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) client was
unable to establish communications with the specified SMTP
server. The Reason, Description, and Response fields describe the
error. If the error is a system call failure, the Description field
provides more detail. If the error was an SMTP server response
failure, the Response field provides more detail.
(W) (8B00.0015) (Profile profile, recipient email_address via SMTP server
ip_address/port_number, SMTP error: error)
Meaning: A Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) error has occurred for the
given profile, recipient, server, and port.
(W) (8B00.0017) (CallHome message send for profile profile to recipient email_address
failed on SMTP server ip_address, port port_number. Retry will be attempted.)
Meaning: The Call Home service failed to send an e-mail message to the
recipient in the named profile through the specified Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server because of a transient error. The
Call Home service will attempt to resend the message.
(W) (8B00.0018) (CallHome message send for profile profile to recipient email_address
failed on SMTP server ip_address, port port_number. Retry failed, ignoring
Meaning: The Call Home service attempt to resend an e-mail message to the
recipient in the named profile through the specified Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server has failed. The Call Home service
will not attempt to resend the message.
(W) (8B00.0019) (CallHome message send for profile profile to recipient email_address
failed on SMTP server ip_address, port port_number. Retry will not be
attempted, ignoring recipient.)
Meaning: The Call Home service failed to send an e-mail message to the
recipient in the named profile through the specified Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server because of a non-transient error.
The Call Home service will not attempt to resend the message.
(W) (8F00.000C) (Fabric Status status)
Meaning: The severity of the fabric status has changed. The description field
will show the reason for fabric status.
(W) (8F00.000D) (Switch Status status)
Meaning: The severity of the switch status has changed. The description field
will show the reason for the switch status.