
-i t e
The satellite speakers and the centre channel are capable of
astonishing bass performance, rolling off slowly below 70 H z .
U n l i ke other sub-sat systems, this means the L-ite Subwoofer
can operate as a proper subwoofer in a home cinema system
rather than having to cover higher frequencies or leaving a
big hole in the all-important mid-range.
The L-ite sub uses a tri-laminate 10” driver, which is both
fast and light, in a sealed enclosure for extremely fast
damping. With a complete absence of bass overhang or
resonance, the L-ite sub is remarkable in its own right,
holding its own in the company of far bigger and more
expensive units.
Although smaller than the L-series subwoofer, the L-ite
Subwoofer still retains the incredibly powerful 300 WRMS
a m p l i f i e r, of its bigger brother, and the high performance
discrete signal path filters.
“Amazingly tuneful and
responsive, the L-i t e
Subwoofer compliments the
satellite speakers superbly”
S u b w o o f e r