March 2, 2007
Page 29
3100 Wood Stove Series (ACC)
I. Opacity (Smoke)
This is the measure of how cleanly your appliance is burn-
ing. Opacity is measured in percent; 100% opacity is when
an object is totally obscured by the smoke column from a
chimney, and 0% opacity means that no smoke column can
be seen. As you become familiar with your appliance, you
should periodically check the opacity. This will allow you to
know how to burn as nearly smoke-free as possible (goal of
0% opacity).
J. Overfi ring
Do not overfi re. Using fl ammable liquids or too much wood,
burning trash in the appliance, or allowing too much air into
the fi re may result in overfi ring. If the chimney connector
(stove pipe) or appliance glows red or even worse, white, it is
overfi red. This condition may ignite creosote in the chimney,
which can be dangerous, possibly causing a house fi re. If
you overfi re, immediately close the air controls and door,
if open, to reduce the air supply to the fi re. Overfi ring will
void the stove warranty.
NOTE: If your Quadra-Fire wood stove is equipped with an
optional blower, you should follow these guidelines:
1. Initial (cold) start-up and all Burn Settings
The blower can be plugged in and turned on right away.
The blower fan is turned on and off by a snap disc.
When your stove has reached a certain temperature
the blower will turn on and when your stove has cooled
down to a certain temperature it will turn off.
NOTE: The blower can still be left on at all burn rates
even if you have deactivated the snap disc with the
manual over-ride knob. See page 15.
2. The blower is equipped with a speed control. Adjust
the fan speed by turning the speed control clockwise
to “Low” or counterclockwise to “High”.
3. Snap Disc Location
If you fi nd the blower coming on and off at undesirable
temperatures, relocate the snap disc to another location
in the designated zone on the back of the appliance.
Figure 29.1 There is a manual over-ride switch to
deactivate the snap disc, if necessary. See page 15.
H. Blower Operating Instructions
Fire Risk.
Keep combustible materials, gasoline
and other fl ammable vapors and liquids
clear of appliance.
• Do NOT store fl ammable materials in the appliance’s
• Do NOT use gasoline, lantern fuel, kerosene, charcoal
lighter fl uid or similar liquids to start or “freshen up” a
fi re in this heater.
• Keep all such liquids well away from the heater while it
is in use.
• Combustible materials may ignite.
Fire Risk.
• Do NOT burn garbage or fl ammable fl uids
such as gasoline, naptha or engine oil.
• Do NOT burn treated wood or wood with salt (driftwood).
• May generate carbon monooxide if burn material other
than wood.
May result in illness or possible death.
Odors and vapors released during initial operation.
• Curing of high temperature paint.
• Open windows for air circulation.
Odors may be irritating to sensitive individuals.
Figure 29.1