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32198A February 15, 2002 32198A February 15, 2002
Cape Cod Wood Stove
OPACITY: This helps to determine how cleanly your stove is burning. Opacity is measured in percent;
100% opacity is when an object is totally obscured by the smoke column from a chimney, and 0% opacity
means that no smoke column can be seen. As you become familiar with your stove, you should periodically
check the opacity of the smoke column emitted from your chimney. This will allow you to know how to burn
your stove as nearly smoke-free as possible (aim for a goal of 0% opacity).
HIGH: Start re with both controls fully open. Close start-up control after approximately 5 to 15 minutes,
when re is established. Leave primary air in fully open position (slide control to far left side).
MEDIUM: After a wood load has been burning on high for at least 15 minutes (longer for very large
pieces of wood), close the primary control by sliding it to the right. The start-up control should be closed
(pulled out) after approximately 5 to 15 minutes.
LOW: After a wood load has been burning on high for at least 15 minutes (longer for very large
pieces of wood), gradually close the primary control sliding it to the right ensuring that ames in the stove
are maintained. It is very important to maintain ames in your stove during the rst few hours of a low
burn, to avoid excessive air pollution.
The primary air enters below
the ash catcher and is directed to the
upper front of the rebox, near the
top of the glass door, and to the lower
front of rebox. This preheated air
supplies the necessary fresh oxygen
to mix with the unburned gases,
helping to create secondary, tertiary
and quaternary combustions.
The primary air slide control
is located at the front of the stove,
beneath the ash catcher. Sliding the
control towards your left opens the
control allowing more air to reach the
re. Sliding it to your right closes
the control.
The start-up combustion air
enters at the rear of the rebox
through the rear air tubes. To start
your fire, push control in. After
5 to 15 minutes, when fire is well
established, pull control out.
The start-up control is located
on the right side of the stove. It is
used only during the kindling stage of
the burn and should be closed (pulled
out) for lower burns.