Quadra-Fire • Sapphire • 7055-116 Rev. D • 6/11
Listing and Code Approvals
The product is listed to ANSI standards for “Vented Gas
Appliance Heaters” and applicable sections of “Gas Burning
Heating Appliances for Manufactured Homes and Recre-
ational Vehicles” and "Gas Fired Appliances for use at High
A. Appliance Certifi cation
B. Glass Specifi cations
NOTE: This installation must conform with local codes. In the
absence of local codes you must comply with the National
Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1-latest edition in the U.S.A.
and the CAN/CGA B149 Installation Codes in Canada.
D. High Altitude Installations
Intertek listed gas appliances are tested and approved
without requiring changes for elevations from 0 to 2000 feet
(0 to 609m) in the U.S.A. and 0 to 4500 feet (0 to 1372m)
in Canada.
When installing this appliance at an elevation above 2000
feet (609m), it may be necessary to decrease the input
rating by changing the existing burner orifi ce to a smaller
size. Input rate should be reduced by 4% for each 1000 feet
(305m) above a 2000 foot (609m) elevation in the U.S.A. If
the heating value of the gas has been reduced, these rules
do not apply. To identify the proper orifi ce size, check with
the local gas utility.
If installing this appliance at an elevation above 4500 feet
(1372m) in Canada, check with local authorities.
C. BTU Specifi cations
This appliance is equipped with 5mm ceramic glass. Replace
glass only with 5mm ceramic glass. Please contact your
dealer for replacement glass.
Do NOT use this appliance if any part has been under water.
Immediately call a qualifi ed service technician to inspect
the unit and to replace any part of the control system and
any gas control which has been under water.
Manufactured Home or Mobile Home installation may occur
only after the home is site located and must conform with
the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standard,
Title 24 CFR, Part 3280, or, when such a standard is
not applicable, the Standard for Manufactured Home
Installations, ANSI/NCSBCS A225.1, or Standard for Gas
Equipped Recreational Vehicles and Mobile Housing, CSA
When installed, the appliance must be electrically grounded
in accordance with local codes or, in the absence of local
codes, with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, or
the Canadian Electrical Code, CSA C22.1.
Materials that are reported as passing ASTM E 136,
Standard Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a
Vertical Tube Furnace at 750°C, shall be considered non-
combustible materials.
Materials made of or surfaced with wood, compressed
paper, plant fibers, plastics, or other materials that can ignite
and burn, whether flame proofed or not, or whether plastered
or unplastered shall be considered combustible materials.
E. Non-Combustible Materials
F. Combustible Materials
MODEL: Sapphire-D Gas Stove
LABORATORY: Intertek, Report No. 3198461
TYPE: Direct Vent Gas Heater
ANSI Z21.88b-2009ּCSA 2.33b-2009ּ
UL307bּCAN/CBA 2.17-M91
(US or Canada)
Orifi ce
Effi ciency %
30,000 21,000 .106 80.92 58.90
28,500 19,700 .063 82.44 60.09
26,000 18,000 .098 80.92 65.04
26,000 19,000 .059 82.44 66.49
* Thermal effi ciency maximum pipe with blower on.
** Canada minimum pipe.