Chapter 12 StorNext Reports
The Policy Class Information Report
StorNext User’s Guide 283
The Policy Class Information Report
The Policy Class Information Report provides the following information:
• File Copy (1-4): The number of copies stored for each file. A media
type for File Copy “N” indicates the copy is to be stored; a value of
N/A for the media type indicates this copy is not to be stored. File
Copy 1 (the primary copy) will always have an associated media, and
will be stored. The maximum number of file copies is four.
• # Media Associated: The number of media associated with the class
• Drive Pool: The name assigned to the pool of associated tape drives
• Minimum Store Time (minutes): The number of minutes after the
last modification when the file becomes available for storage to tape
• Minimum Trunc Time (days): The number of days after the last
modification when the files on tape become available for truncation
• Max Inactive Versions: The maximum number of inactive versions
to keep for a file
• Truncate Immediately After Store: Indicates whether files truncate
immediately after a store
• Checksum Verification: If enabled, checksums are compared to
retained values for the files retrieved by the corresponding policy
• Checksum Generation: If enabled, checksums are generated and
retained in the database for files stored by the corresponding policy
• Minimum Set Store Size (1 to 999 in MB or GB): The minimum size
that all valid store candidates in the policy class combined must reach
before they are stored
• Maximum File Store Age (1 to 720 in hours): If any valid store
candidate in the policy class reaches this value, all valid candidates
are stored