Obtaining Your Area’s FIPS Code(s)
To obtain the FIPS code for the location where you
installed your Weatheradio, contact your local Ra-
dioShack store or call the NWS toll free at 1-888-
(1-888-697-7263). If you call the NWS,
follow the instructions you hear.
If you are close to a county or parish line, you
might want to obtain the codes for the nearby coun-
ties or parishes.
Since you can program up to two FIPS codes
into the Weatheradio’s memory, you might want to
obtain the code for another local area that you fre-
quently travel through (as long as both areas are
within a 50 mile radius of your location and within an
area covered by your local NWS broadcast station).
That way, you can program the code into the
Weatheradio and receive broadcasts covering that
location, too.
12-251.fm Page 11 Tuesday, March 14, 2000 12:40 PM