
regulatory approvals and clearances (cont’d)
Part 95
This transmitter is authorized by rule under the
Low Power Radio Service (47 CFR Part 95) and
must not cause harmful interference to TV recep-
tion or United States Navy SPASUR installa-
tions. You do not need an FCC license to oper-
ate this transmitter. This transmitter may only be
used to provide auditory assistance to persons
with disabilities, persons who require language
translation, or persons in educational settings;
health care services to the ill; law enforcement
tracking service under agreement with a law
enforcement agency; or automated maritime
telecommunication system (AMTS) network
control communications. Two-way voice commu-
nications and all other types of uses not men-
tioned above are expressly prohibited.
FCC notes
The Radium sound field system is approved by
the FCC (Federal Communications Commission).
The use of the system may be governed by specific
FCC rules and FCC licensing or notifications may
be required. Consult your local FCC office for
detailed information.
Phonic Ear FM receivers and FM transmitters,
when required, are approved by the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) in the U.S.
and Industry Canada. Other government
approvals are available upon request. (Other inter-
national regulations may also apply.)
Any changes or modifications made to any gov-
ernment-approved element of this instrument,
without the express approval of Phonic Ear Inc in
writing, could void the user's authority to operate
those elements of the system.
4724 Radium 216 User Guide 2/28/05 10:15 AM Page 69