Controls and Operation
Controls and Operation
MICROPHONE 1 and 2 Inputs — Con-
nect any standard dynamic microphone
with a
-inch plug.
POWER Switch and Indicator — Press
the bottom half of the switch to turn on
the amplifier. The indicator lights. Press
the top half of the switch to turn off the
amplifier. The indicator goes off.
MASTER VOLUME Control — Controls
the overall loudness level of all sources.
With the amplifier and the audio input
source turned on (and set to play, if
needed), set this control to its mid-range
setting (
). Adjust this control again after
adjusting the source mixing controls.
Caution: Do not raise the volume level
too high. Doing so might overload the
MIC1 and MIC2 Source Mixing Con-
trols — Adjust the input level for each
microphone to get the proper volume
and balance.
PHONO/AUX Source Mixing Control
— Adjusts the input level of the
sound source for the best
volume and balance.
150Hz Equalizer Control — controls
output for instruments in this very low
range (such as an organ or a contrabas-
soon). Too much bass makes music
sound muddy and boomy, while too little
makes it sound hollow and thin. Rotate
the knob clockwise to enhance bass
sounds or counterclockwise to reduce
rumble, acoustic feedback, and other
low-frequency disturbances.
1kHz Equalizer Control — controls the
midrange frequencies (voice and instru-
ments). Rotate the knob clockwise to
bring the vocalist “up front,” or counter-
clockwise to move the singer “back” into
the sound mix.
6kHz Equalizer Control — controls
high frequencies, such as those gener-
ated by cymbals, and can also act as a
high-frequency noise filter. Rotate the
knob clockwise to increase high fre-
quencies, or counterclockwise if the
sound becomes overbearingly harsh
and strident.
32-2002.fm Page 12 Friday, February 11, 2000 11:36 AM