
URC1 22
URC1 Control Codes:
The codes on the URC1 are very simple to use as well as comprehensive.
Codes have been laid out so that the letters on a touch tone phone represent
the action that you desire. Note that all codes begin with an asterisk. This was
done to prevent the normal dialing of a phone or some other device from
accessing the unit.
[ ] indicates not required or variable length.
{ } indicates one character
To access the URC1:
For master access: *M[Password]* or *6[Password]*
Where master password length is at most 4 characters.
This code replies with two long tones indicating “M”
For user access: *U[Password]* or *8[Password]*
Where user password length is at most 3 characters.
This code replies with two shorts and a Long to indicate “U”
Ex: *M123*
Note that if no password has been set for either, the last asterisk is left off.
To set the password:
To set the master password: *PM[Password]* or *76[Password]*
Where maximum password length is 4 characters. Entering no characters for
password disables the password.
This code replies with a short then long tone to indicate “A” for acknowledge.
To set the user password: *PU[Password]* or *78[Password]*
Where maximum password length is 3 characters. Entering no characters for
password disables the password.
This code replies with a short then long tone to indicate “A” for acknowledge.
Note that you must be entered as a master to change these.
To set an output on or off:
To turn an output on:
*0{output set #}{Output #}1 or *6{output set #}{Output #}1
This code replies with a short then long tone to indicate “A” for acknowledge.